The theme for this year's 3% Conference was "Brands on Board". I honestly didn't notice this theme running through the panels and talks. I noticed the themes of diversity, inclusion, empowerment, courage, and mentorship. I was so blown away by the quality of the speakers, the panelists, and those I met at the conference. Although I was exhausted after the first day, I got to the venue earlier on the second day than the first so I could get as much out of it as possible.
Highlights of the conference:
- The opening keynote by Cynthia Gillis, President and CEO of Catalyst
- Transgender speaker Chris Edwards. He made us laugh and cry. Truly inspiring.
- The Next Creative Leaders panel
- The Benefit of Diversity is Diversity panel
- Cindy Gallop's closing speech. Of course. See last year's on 3%'s YouTube channel.